
Antioxidants in cosmetics

Autor: Temperance    Dátum: 05.06.2020

Antioxidants in cosmetics

Antioxidants and our DeAge Red-Prime.
The sun's rays mercilessly reveal all the imperfections caused during the winter by cold, insufficient care and wearing of face masks. Wilted, grey skin, or loss of skin firmness. These are symptoms that do not have to frighten us. DeAge helps to improve this uncomfortable skin conditions.

What makes this beauty line special?

Red wine
- That's the extraordinary strength. Thanks to the patented technology, it is made into a triple force – CRD1, microcapsules containing polyphenols, antioxidants and plant amino acids.
Provides skin with hydration, oxidation and has an anti-wrinkle effect.
- affects the firmness of collagen fibres in the skin, strengthens and supports the subcutaneous tissue, which makes the skin firmer, more elastic and healthier. It smooths and prevents the formation of wrinkles, prevents the skin from wearing out, ensures its firmness, and helps to keep the skin young and smooth.
- are naturally occurring skin fats (lipids) that function as “intercellular binder”. They form the main part of the hydrolipid mantle, which holds the skin cells together in a firm, smooth structure and helps to protect the skin from water loss by forming a protective barrier. Ceramides naturally decrease with age, which causes drier and less supple skin.
- helps the skin to create a barrier against irritation and water loss, and it accelerates the healing of wounds and eczema. It is a natural moisturizer, it provides moisture to the cells and keeps it deep in the skin tissues. Moreover, it increases the skin immunity.
- protects against the harmful effects of the external environment, has anti-inflammatory and soothing effects on sensitive and irritated skin, and relieves inflammation connected with mild acne. It supports the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, thus moderating the signs of aging and improving hydration. It also regulates sebum production and reduces pores and hyperpigmentation. It has similar effects to retinol.
Vitamin E
- its antioxidant effect limits the oxidation process in skin cells, thus protecting the skin from wrinkles and premature aging. By strengthening the skin barrier, it maintains moisture in the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effects, soothes and moderates the signs of aging, evens out fine wrinkles, prevents the skin from sagging and helps the skin to cope with a lack of sebum.
If we protect the skin from the harmful environment, it will certainly repay us with its beautiful and youthful appearance. The skin will be healthier, which is definitely the most important thing.
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