
E.G.F. - epidermal growth factor

Author: Temperance    Dátum: 27.4.2022

E.G.F. - Epidermal growth factor in cosmetics

Have you heard of him?
A large number of products from the cosmetics industry constantly amaze us with their exceptional active ingredients and various gadgets. New revolutionary ingredients in cosmetics appear very often, but there is one that has really brought about change. It is an epidermal growth factor.

You may not have heard of it yet, but it has been the subject of scientific research for many years.

It has only recently entered the composition of cosmetic products. The global cosmetics market is regularly enriched with new active ingredients and South Korea is a leader in their implementation. It is therefore quite obvious that she also took advantage of E.G.F. and also included this ingredient in its products.

So let's say what it is?
Growth Factor or Epidermal Growth Factor, abbreviated in English is E.G.F. as Epidermal Growth Factor is a type of naturally occurring protein molecule found in fibroblastic skin cells that provides cell growth, development and treatment. It contains 53 amino acids - the building blocks of protein. E.G.F. can occur in a variety of mammals, including humans. Its primary function is to help restore injured skin. In other words, E.G.F. is a polypeptide that stimulates the production of collagen, elastin, or other processes associated with growth and healing.

How does it all work?
We know that the outer layer of the skin is called the epidermis. E.G.F. recognizes and binds a specific receptor that lies on the outer layer of the skin (hence its name) and subsequently these receptors send a message to increase cell production in the area. E.G: F. stimulates cells and skin, especially in the damaged area, and helps to restore itself quickly, ie. the recovery or regeneration process starts.
In addition to repairing injured skin, E.G.F. also acts against aging. When added to a cosmetic product and applied to the skin, the cells become activated and work to thicken the epidermis, making the skin thinner and more youthful. In other words, E.G.F. sends signals to increase the production of collagen and elastin and thus prevents the formation of wrinkles and sagging skin.

Growth factors and peptides produce new skin cells and can effectively rejuvenate the skin.

 In cosmetics, they are used to repair, regenerate, rejuvenate the skin and subsequently strengthen the skin.
So what's the conclusion? Take advantage of the effects of E.G.F. can any skin that needs regeneration. Sagging and hanging skin will welcome increased collagen and elastin production. Regeneration and healing processes in cells regulate the formation of pigment irregularities, helps strengthen the skin barrier.
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Who discovered E.G.F.?
It was discovered in the 1980s by biochemist Stanley Cohen and Dr. Rita Levi-Montalcini during nerve growth factor research. Mr. Cohen found that newborn mice began to open their eyes and grow faster than usual. By examining these side effects, E.G.F. and have been shown to stimulate the growth of epidermal cells. For this discovery, both scientists won the 1986 Nobel Prize in Medicine. Although their work did not record concrete results at the time, it marked a significant start for further research into cell interaction. Thanks to them, we were able to better understand the role of growth factors and proteins for the appearance and condition of the skin. E.G.F. began to be used to treat burns and is currently being investigated for its applicability in bioengineering of artificial organs.

Why use EGF growth factors?
Since E.G.F. is a naturally occurring protein molecule found in the human body in which it occurs from birth to adulthood, when bones, organs, nerves and skin develop.
Once the human body reaches its maturity, the production of growth factors decreases. Level E.G.F. begins to decline after the age of 20, from which the skin thins by 1% annually. After menopause, it is thinner on average by up to 30% and the ability to heal wounds is significantly reduced.
E.G.F. however, it can be supplemented by application to the skin, for example in the form of a cosmetic product, where skin cell receptors send a signal to increase the production of specific cells, collagen and elastin. The skin will be restored and aging will be slowed down.

How to use products with E.G.F.?
There are several products containing E.G.F. that you can easily incorporate into your daily care. They are day and night creams, eye masks that reduce cams and body lotions that improve the overall condition of the skin.
In our offer you will find a limited edition E.G.F. toning water, serum in ampoules and eye cream.
These products are an effective solution for firming the skin and smoothing wrinkles. They are effective in the fight against aging, they improve the condition of the skin after interventions such as peeling, microdermabrasion or other types of cosmetic treatment. They leave the skin smoother and firmer, soften fine lines and wrinkles.


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