
Why is eye cream so important?

Author: Temperance    Date: 05.12.2018   

Why is eye cream so important?

"Don't frown, you'll have wrinkles."
How many of you have heard this repeated infinitely by your mothers? When we were little, we didn't give much importance to these warnings. But let's face it, we should have listened better. We will not stop ageing, nor can we stop the appearance of any wrinkles. But can we at least slow it down, or reduce the wrinkles that have already formed?

The skin around the eyes is very soft and sensitive, so this is the place that has the greatest potential for wrinkles. They are a proof of our moods, frequent smiles and at the same time we put a lot of pressure on them while concentrating on work. Especially those of you who are constantly sitting at the computer will definitely agree. Have you ever thought that the gradual weakening of the muscles also affects our eyes? The eye muscles need training just like other parts of our body.

In addition, our eyes are also connected to our kidneys and adrenal glands (tears, stress and the connection of the optic nerve with the central nervous system). If you have an internal problem, especially in connection with kidney or adrenal function, your eyes will tell you immediately. And these are the reasons why we should not hesitate for a long time and we should start using eye cream, preferably in combination with exercises for the eye area and a healthy lifestyle. We do not say that thanks to them, wrinkles will disappear immediately and forever, but you will at least protect the already stressed skin around the eyes. In addition to the cream, a quality eye mask, for example, will save you.

Let's be honest, we live in a period of visualization and our eyes are constantly moving. We research, observe, evaluate. A good eye cream helps prevent signs of aging around the eyes and at the same time reduces the appearance of any fine lines and wrinkles that "decorate" our face. Eye cream is simply a small but effective miracle.

What can a quality eye cream do?
Hydrates – we do not have many sebaceous glands in the area around the eyes. Over time, this is one of the first places that can be significantly dry. If we want to keep the skin around the eyes hydrated and healthy, we should include a quality eye cream in addition to a regular drinking regime.
Radiates – we would all like to have youthful and radiant skin. The brightening of the entire eye area gives our face a carefree and happy look.
Strengthens – the older our skin, the more fragile and sensitive it is. A good eye cream contains protective ingredients that help strengthen the skin and at the same time protect it from the negative effects of the environment. Gravity has its effects, and the area around the eyes is one of the first areas it "pulls to the ground." Even if the eye cream does not stop the aging process completely, it can at least strengthen the eye area and thus reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Protects – antioxidants do not have immediate effects on our skin, but they help to slow down the aging process by combating the negative effects of environmental stressors (indoor air, toxic substances, car emissions, etc.).
With ultra-fast development and research in cosmetics, we currently have a number of new ingredients available. Therefore, we always recommend that you start by studying the ingredients on the product packaging.
Swelling – The feeling of "flooded" eyes stems from the accumulation of fluids that cause swelling in the tissues around the eye. Allergies or sinus diseases can be to blame, but it can also be the result of lack of sleep, poor diet, drinking alcohol or simply natural aging. Focus on ingredients such as caffeine or cucumber that can help to reduce swelling.
Dark circles – dark coloration around the eyes can be the result of various factors, including heredity, stress, smoking, sun exposure and various diseases. Substances such as vitamins C and K can help fight dark circles. You should also look for light-reflecting ingredients that will give you an immediate brightening effect.
Fine lines and wrinkles – delicate skin combined with constant muscle exposure (winking, blinking or even a normal smile) can cause your eyes to show signs of aging faster than the rest of your face. Make sure your products contain collagen-based ingredients, such as oils, ceramides or peptides, which help firm the skin, smooth out fine lines and fill in wrinkles.


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